- Introduce yourself
- students introduce themselves
Course goals
- Data and how to work with it
- Data entry -> Data storage -> Data manipulation -> Data visualization
- Not statistics
Teaching methods
- Flipped classroom
- You don’t learn how ride a bike just by listening to someone talk about it and the same is true for computing
- Reading before class
- I do, we do, you do
- I will demo an idea using live coding
- We will work on an associated exercise together in class
- You will work on additional exercises on your own (both in & out of class)
- Peer instruction
- Interact with each other during the we do and you do parts
- You are at least as likely to learn from your peers as from us
- Introduce yourself to one of your neighbors you don’t know
Course structure
- assignments
- Work on exercises in class
- may require additional programming time after class
- turn-in work
- Ideally related to your research
Walk through the website showing the following items
- Schedule
- Walk through schedule (quickly)
- Readings
- Read before relevant class
- No need to do any challenges or exercises in readings
- Lectures
- Lectures notes used in class
- Not expected to read in advance; may be useful for review
- May not match lecture precisely
- Assignments
- Give it a read and let me know if you have any questions
- Handle assignment submission and grading through Canvas
- Chat