
Create a database schema

Homework should be committed to your github.umn.edu repository by 4:30 Monday March 19.

You will work in the named repository (ENT5920-Lastname) you created in Week 3.

Use a dataset of your own, preferably one you will be using in your research. If you do not have access to a dataset of your own, you can download the dataset associated with:

Loewen CJG, Vinebrooke RD (2016). Regional diversity reverses  the negative impacts of an alien predator on local species-poor communities.  Ecology 97(10): 2740–2749. 

The dataset can be found here

Create a database schema as follows. This is meant to be a visual and conceptual exercise.

You can use the MySQL workbench or another GUI database designer, or slidemaker software like Powerpoint, or draw it on a piece of paper and scan the file. Whichever method you use, be sure to clearly label the elements below.

  1. Normalize your data. Plan out tables and columns, such that data are stored in one place, and related to other tables through common variables.

  2. For each column, indicate a data type using the MySQL specifications.

  3. For each table, indicate which column(s) will be Primary keys and which columns will be Foreign Keys. For the Foreign Keys, indicate what table and column(s) they are referencing. This can be done through a link, a drawn line, or in a table.

  4. Save and commit the file (with a useful name) to your local git repository.

  5. Push the changes to your remote (github.umn.edu) repository.

  6. Ensure both Dan (dcarivea) and Eric (elind) are added as collaborators to your repository.